News From the Past

by Charlotte Purdy

Old news from years gone by may sometimes be forgotten. In an effort to bring some of that older news to our subscribers and readers, we will be publishing articles that were published in earlier editions of the DeWitt Era-Enterprise. This article was printed in the June 23, 1955 edition of the DeWitt Era-Enterprise.

City Mail Delivery Has Been Approved To Start Soon

“Post Master F. E. Stephenson Sr. Has received a letter from District Manager W. R. Sanders, Post Office Department, stating that city mail delivery for DeWitt has been approved and that an order has been placed for needed equipment to begin the service just as soon as the people get ready by numbering their houses and changing their mail to the new address.

In the letter Sanders suggested that those knowing themselves to be on one of the routes have their mail addressed just as if the service had already begun. So each one is requested to have all their mail changed to the proper street and number at once. It will not pay to wait until delivery has begun to make such changes since little mail would be delivered. You are urged to begin using your new address right now. You will still get your mail at the office even though the new address is given. Then when enough have their mail changed, city delivery will begin.

Mr. Stephenson said that blanks are available at the post office for you to get and change the address of all your magazines, papers and correspondence that you want to be delivered.”

This article is typed exactly as it was printed. During this time, typesetters created lines of text using brass letters. Then, the mold was injected with molten lead and after that, the lead was melted back down again and reused.

We hope you enjoyed this stroll back in history!

Reporters note:

Did you know?

In June 1955, a 12-bottle carton of Coca-Cola cost 50 cents, a 10 lb. bag of sugar cost 94 cents, hamburger was 33 cents per pound, T-bone steaks were 55 cents per pound, and a 1952 Chevrolet Sport Coupe with radio, heater and nylon tires cost only $995.00!!!