Governor Sanders signs bills
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the Governor signed into law:
HB1060 - An act to revise the instruction provided on the failure of communist and autocratic system and to reinforce in required instruction the resiliency of the constitutional republic system adopted by the United States of America; and for other purposes.
HB1189 - An act to amend novice teacher mentoring requirements under the teacher excellence and support system; and for other purposes.
HB1287 - An act to amend the healthcare contracting simplification act; to define “downcode” under the healthcare contracting simplification act; to require notification by contracting entities of downcoding certain healthcare services; and for other purposes.
SB214 - An act to add second degree murder to the list of offenses that are ineligible for meritorious furlough; and for other purposes.
HB1181 - An act to amend the full practice authority of a certified nurse midwife to allow admitting privileges; and for other purposes.
HB1292 - An act to amend the residency requirements for the adoption of a minor; and for other purposes.
SB213 - An act to create the healthy moms, healthy babies act; to amend Arkansas law to improve maternal health in this state.
SB137 - An act to permit healthcare providers to maintain medical records in an electronic format; and for other purposes.
HB1353 - An act to regulate a vision benefit manager; to amend the vision care plan act of 2015; to amend the healthcare contracting simplification act; and for other purposes.
SB134 - An act to amend the frequency of meetings of the public school employee health benefit advisory commission; to reduce the stipend for certain members of the public school employee health benefit advisory commission; to amend the frequency of meetings of the state employee health benefit advisory commission; to reduce the stipend for certain members of the state employee health benefit advisory commission; and for other purposes.
SB180 - An act to exempt providers in the program of all-inclusive care for the elderly from the licensing requirements for home healthcare services; and for other purposes.
SB50 - An act to require a legislative study of workforce and social services reform; to require the consideration of any legislative changes necessary to address issues identified during the study of workforce and social services reform; and for other purposes.
HB1075 - An act to limit the regulation and taxation of lawn care devices; to prohibit a local government from regulating the sale or use of a lawn care device or imposing a tax or fee on the use of a lawn care device in certain circumstances; and for other purposes.
HB1315 - An act to authorize a blood type designation to be placed on a driver’s license or identification card; and for other purposes.
HB1383 - An act to amend the petroleum storage tank trust fund act; to modify the amount of the payment for corrective action; and for other purposes.
HB1411 - An act to amend the law concerning the oil and gas commission; to clarify the regulation of carbon capture and sequestration; to establish the carbon dioxide storage fund; and for other purposes.
HB1412 - An act to clarify regulation of pipeline safety authorization for transportation of hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide; and for other purposes.
HB1118 - An act to amend the laws concerning the management of premium taxes under the Arkansas fire and police pension review board; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
HB1119 - An act to amend the provisions regarding delinquent payments by a political subdivision under the Arkansas local police and fire retirement system; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
HB1221 - An act to amend Arkansas law concerning initiatives, referenda, and constitutional amendments; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
HB1222 - An act to amend the law concerning initiative petitions and referendum petitions; to require the attorney general to review ballot titles for conflicts with the United States constitution and federal statutes; to prohibit the submission of conflicting initiative petitions and referendum petitions; and for other purposes.
SB203 - An act to amend the law concerning publicity and tourism; to amend the law concerning outdoor recreation activities and recreational tramways; to create a recreational tramway systems for state parks and for other locations in the state; and for other purposes.
SB97 - An act to amend the law regarding alcoholic beverages; to authorize the issuance of additional retail liquor permits to certain existing holders of retail liquor permits; and for other purposes.
SB98 - An act to amend the law regarding alcoholic beverages; to authorize the third-party delivery of alcoholic beverages from certain retailers; to create a third-party delivery permit; and for other purposes.
HB1437 - An act to prohibit a person required to register as a sex offender from entering a water park, swimming area, or children’s playground of a public park; and for other purposes.
HB1071 - An act to amend the Frank Broyles publicity rights protection act of 2016; to provide protections for an individual whose photograph, voice, or likeness is reproduced through means of artificial intelligence and used commercially; and for other purposes.
HB1196 - An act to separate the offices of sheriff and tax collector in Montgomery county; and for other purposes.
HB1418 - An act to prohibit local government regulation of knives or knife-making components; and for other purposes.
HB1407 - An act to amend the law concerning the state administration of justice fund; and for other purposes.
SB170 - An act to make technical corrections to title 1 of the Arkansas code concerning general provisions; and for other purposes.
SB171 - An act to make technical corrections to title 4 of the Arkansas code concerning business and commercial law; and for other purposes.
SB172 - An act to make technical corrections to title 6 of the Arkansas code concerning education; and for other purposes.
SB173 - An act to make technical corrections to title 7 of the Arkansas code concerning elections; and for other purposes.
SB174 - An act to make technical corrections to title 8 of the Arkansas code concerning environmental law; and for other purposes.
SB175 - An act to make technical corrections to title 11 of the Arkansas code concerning labor and industrial relations; and for other purposes.
SB176 - An act to make technical corrections to title 15 of the Arkansas code concerning natural resources and economic development; and for other purposes.
SB177 - An act to make technical corrections to title 17 of the Arkansas code concerning professions, occupations, and businesses; and for other purposes.
HB1355 - An act to make technical corrections to title 5 of the Arkansas code concerning criminal offenses; and for other purposes.
HB1356 - An act to make technical corrections to title 12 of the Arkansas code concerning law enforcement, emergency management, and military affairs; and for other purposes.
HB1357 - An act to make technical corrections to title 16 of the Arkansas code concerning practice, procedure, and courts; and for other purposes.
HB1358 - An act to make technical corrections to title 18 of the Arkansas code concerning property; and for other purposes.
HB1359 - An act to make technical corrections to title 19 of the Arkansas code concerning public finance; and for other purposes.
HB1360 - An act to make technical corrections to title 20 of the Arkansas code concerning public health and welfare; and for other purposes.
HB1361 - An act to make technical corrections to title 23 of the Arkansas code concerning public utilities and regulated industries; and for other purposes.
HB1362 - An act to make technical corrections to title 24 of the Arkansas code concerning retirement and pensions; and for other purposes.
HB1363 - An act to make technical corrections to title 25 of the Arkansas code concerning state government; and for other purposes.
HB1364 - An act to make technical corrections to title 27 of the Arkansas code concerning transportation; and for other purposes.
HB1087 - An act for the Department of Energy and Environment – Oil and Gas commission appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
HB1099 - An act for the state board of election commissioners appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
HB1100 - An act for the Arkansas state claims commission appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
HB1104 - An act for the Department of Labor and Licensing – division of labor appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
HB1114 - An act for the Commissioners of State Lands appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
HB1151 - An act for the Department of Education – division of career and technical education appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
HB1235 - An act for the University of Arkansas East Arkansas Community college appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
SB23 - An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the judicial discipline and disability commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB28 - An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Arkansas ethics commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB31 - An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Department of Labor and Licensing – workers’ compensation commission appropriation for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
SB65 - An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism – capitol zoning district commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB74 - An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Department of Veterans Affairs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB116 - An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the University of Arkansas – system and various divisions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB199 - An act to reappropriate the balances of capital improvement appropriation for the Department of Agriculture; and for other purposes.
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