Bill's Corner of the World

May 23, 2024

Hi Everyone!! Well, the sunshine is refreshing, isn't it? I love it. It makes feel good and loosing thirty pounds in a month didn't hurt getting that feeling. Don't get excited!! It was mostly water. I was so puffed up with excess water, I was like a big bull frog ready to explode. That's how I felt, probably felt that too. I am doing better health-wise and eating healthy, which is the key to the weight-loss.

I have always loved vegetables. I try to buy fresh fruit and vegetables at the local market here and at Wal-Mart. If there are local farmers who have their vegetables and fruits for sale, I try to shop at their location first. Love those fresh tomatoes over on Vine Street. Everyone in Stuttgart knows where that location is. I gave you a plug Miss Lady!!! I had some good friends who used to grow their own vegetables and sell them at the Stuttgart Farmer's Market. Around five or six years ago, they moved up to North Arkansas, near the Missouri border. Lucky friends of mine.

Well, we had the Austin Reunion last weekend or one later. We had a real good time. I always have a real good time. It is always nice to see all my kin, other at a funeral.

I think I am going to take my Vegan" Casserole, which will be easy to make. It is a cornbread filled with green beans and corn. A meal right there with a butter glaze. Folks I know how to cook. I love it. my mother taught me very well. To me it is also very easy, of course when you know how to do things, it is easy. Take care everyone!! Till Next Time!!!