Historical Society to Meet at Arkansas Post Museum State Park

The Grand Prairie Historical Society will hold their spring quarterly meeting Thursday, April 18 at the Arkansas Post Museum State Park, 5530 Highway 165 South, Gillett. A social period will take place from 6:30–7:00, with a variety of popular desserts offered by the Society’s hospitality committee. The meeting will begin at 7:00 with a presentation by Maria Jackson, Facility Manager at the park. Following Jackson’s presentation, the organization will conduct their quarterly business session. Officers for 2024 are Linda Fischer, president; Gay Rusk, vice president; Raeann Braithwaite, treasurer; and Jessie Walsh, secretary. The board of directors is comprised of Claudia Ahrens, Glenn Mosenthin, Bill Shrum, Tommy Strabala, Travis Trice, and Dr. Richard Wilson. The public is cordially invited to attend all Society meetings. GPHS is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of this region’s heritage. Four quarterly programs are held on the third Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in different venues across the county. In addition, members receive four newsletters and two journals. Interested citizens are encouraged to join the Society’s efforts by sending $25 annual dues to Treasurer Raeann Braithwaite, P.O. Box 15, Almyra, AR 72003. Visit the organization’s website at: https://www.grandprairiehistory.org/. For more information on Arkansas Post Museum State Park, contact Maria Jackson at 870-548-2634 or visit their website https://www.arkansasstateparks.com/parks/arkansas-post-museum.
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