Cops Care Hosts 1st Annual Chili Cookoff and Silent Auction
The holidays are quickly approaching and with the economy in the shape it is currently in, families often struggle during the Christmas holiday. Providing toys and more for children can be an added financial burden on families, but to help ease some of that burden Cops Care hosted their 1st Annual Chili Cookoff and Silent Auction event on Saturday, November 4, at the Arkansas County Fairgrounds.
Local community members prepared mouthwatering pots of homemade chili, adding just the right amounts of spices, and entered the chili cookoff that was judged at 4pm. One by one, the judges sampled the flavorful chili’s that were packed with flavor. The winner of the chili cookoff was Ed Williams; 2nd place – Cary and April Wise ; and 3rd place - Dean Mannis.
At 5pm the doors opened to the public and for $10, attendees enjoyed all-you-can-eat chili with their choice of crackers, corn chips, and cheese. It was definitely a treat to be able to taste all of the delicious chili that was available.
Attendees also browsed the many silent auction items that were on display and monitored the bid prices. Some stood close by and kept their highest bids while others waited until closer to the end of the event to make their final bids.
The 1st Annual event is just one of the ways that Cops Care has raised funds to cover the costs of the Christmas items for the local children. Donation jars are set up at various businesses and the group will be hosting a bake sale on Wednesday, November 22, at the old Alco parking lot. If you would like to donate funds or new toys, you can drop them off at the DeWitt Police Department.
The event was a success and now Cops Care is needing YOU to fill out forms to nominate your children! Stop by Dispatch at the DeWitt Police Department any time and pick up a form. Fill out one per child in your household and then just drop them back off. The deadline for completed forms is December 6, 2023.
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