Arkansas Post National Memorial Annual Fishing Derby Held

The morning started out with thunderstorms rolling through the county and deterred many from getting out and enjoying the annual fishing derby at Arkansas Post National Memorial. However, twenty-nine youth, aged 16 and under took their chances and hoped that the rain would quickly leave, and it did just in time for the fishing derby to begin at 9am.
Each year the annual event draws youth from all across the county and state. This year, one youth traveled all the way from Arkadelphia to join in on the fun event.
As the youth signed in for the event, they were greeted by APNM staff, Friends of Arkansas Post National Memorial volunteers, and staff from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and then they headed off to the park pond to find their favorite spots.
The fishing derby kicked off at 9am and ended at 11:30 am. Prizes were provided to the boys with the largest fish, the youngest girl, youngest boy, most miles driven, smallest fish, and the most unusual catch. All of the youth received a certificate of participation and various prizes which included fishing bait, tackle, and more.
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