HB 1399 Could Destroy Printed Newspapers

March 08, 2023

House Bill 1399 is threatening how local news is provided to readers across the state. If passed, HB 1399 would strike language from current law that requires municipalities and counties to publish notices related to elections, ordinances, delinquent taxes, and financial statements in local newspapers and require that such publications be posted on government sites only.

Notices that are currently printed are affordable to our readers, but should HB 1399 be passed, such notices would only be viewable at a designated area in the state, requiring that readers pay to receive them or them having to drive to that location to read them.

It is important that you, our readers, reach out to your representatives and express your opposition of HB 1399 and ask them to vote AGAINST it! If you are unsure of who your representative is, you can visit https://arkansashouse.org/learn/district-map?addr=&zip= and enter your zip code. A complete list can be found at https://www.arkansashouse.org/representatives/members which includes 61st District representative Jeremiah Moore and 62nd District Mark McElroy both who are serving portions of Arkansas County.

We will be bringing more information on House Bill 1399 in our next edition but in the meantime, contact your representative and ask them to vote AGAINST the HB.

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