To Our Readers...

by Charlotte Purdy

104 years. For 104 years, the DeWitt Era-Enterprise has brought you the latest news for Arkansas County. Forty years ago, there were community columns that printed the latest news for Ethel, Crocketts Bluff, St. Charles, Tichnor, Gillett, Almyra, Stuttgart, and more. I’m sure those of you reading this will remember those articles and how we shared our latest news for our “communities.”

Times have changed though and now, well we all are busy and don’t think to stop and pick up a copy of the local newspaper. We rely on social media to catch up with one another, or the news stations to bring us the latest breaking news. Sometimes we just listen because we are so busy doing other things. One thing that has stayed the same however is that the DeWitt Era-Enterprise continues to bring you the latest local news.

In this fast-paced world we live in, we need to remind ourselves to stop and take a few minutes to sit down and read. Although the “community columns” aren’t published, there is still a wealth of information printed in our local newspaper. Sometimes it is more than others, but that’s part of the latest news.

What brought me to write this submission for this week? Why am I reaching out to our readers? It isn’t to bring back the “columns” that we once had, but it is to reach out to our readers and encourage them to stop for a moment to read, and not just read the articles but to read the advertisements.

Advertisements are critical to our local newspaper, and although some may think the cost is too pricey, the ads are very important factors in the printed edition of the DeWitt Era-Enterprise. One of the oldest newspapers still in print, and the ONLY printed newspaper in Arkansas County, the DeWitt Era-Enterprise strives to print the latest news, wedding announcements, birth announcements, and so much more.

We and I mean everyone who plays a part in the weekly editions, truly care about Arkansas County. We are more than reporters and editors. We are citizens who care about what is going on in our communities and we care about the citizens.

When an event is occurring, or a new business is up and running, we want to play a part in getting your information to our readers. Those advertisements I mentioned? They help not only you as you advertise your upcoming events, special sales, or new items that have arrived, but they allow us to be a part of your journey.

I have spent many hours covering events and then writing the articles. Each article I have submitted has been composed and printed, but not without deleting and rewriting, criticizing my writing, and wondering if I did the event justice. As I said, we truly do care about our readers and citizens.

If you have an event coming up, I’d like to encourage you to let us know. We would love to advertise your event for you and help you reach more people. Those posts you make on social media? Think about publishing them so you can use them for keepsakes for years to come. I for one love reading all the articles that we print, seeing the pictures of everyone coming together, and seeing the new businesses starting up in our communities!

We are here to serve you, the citizens of Arkansas County. If you have news to share, send it our way. You can email it to or you can send me an email at We want to hear from you! Remember, we are here to serve YOU!!

Until next time...