DeWitt Hospital and Nursing Home Will Begin Monitored Access
CEO Brian Miller released today that the DeWitt Hospital and Nursing Home will implement Monitored Access beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 13, 2020. "We want the community to know that we are taking every precaution possible," stated Miller.
Beginning at 10:00 a.m., visitors to the DeWitt Hospital will only be allowed to enter through the emergency room doors and then they will have their temperature taken. Should anyone have a temperature of 100.4 or higher, they will not be allowed to enter unless it is for emergency purposes. Staff and volunteers will be set up in the emergency room to take visitors temperatures as well as ask basic questions that will help determine if the visitor is at risk of carrying the Coronavirus.
Miller also stated, “All exterior doors will be locked and anyone coming into the hospital will have to be cleared before entrance."
When speaking of ways to help help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, Dr. Stan Burleson said, "Use common sense, stay out of crowds and use proper hygiene."
DHNH and DHNH Auxiliary are asking anyone who would like to volunteer to help with taking temperatures and asking questions to contact Lisa Bennett at DHNH.
CEO Miller stated, "The Department of Health has been very helpful during this time and we appreciate them very much."
The staff at DHNH will continue to take the necessary precautions against the Coronavirus and CEO Miller wants the community to know that the hospital is not on lock down, just taking all precautions possible.
Anyone having any respiratory illness symptoms including cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, and/or shortness of breath are asked to stay home and not try to visit their relatives/friends at DHNH.
We will update with any new information should it be presented. Stay with DeWitt Era-Enterprise for all your community related news releases.
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